Touch of power - The healer collection 1

Total disclosure requires me to tell you that I don’t like all the books by Maria V. Snyder. But this trilogy touched my soul. Not only is this story well-crafted from start to finish, but the author demonstrates impress creativity in portraying the situations that lead to the development of Avry’s healing powers as well as her insight, particularly with regard to the use of flowers in an original way.  

According to the story healers are seen by the general public in a negative light in the fifteen realms because of the ubiquitous belief that they are responsible for the plague that has taken many lives. In spite of their skills and their knowledge the healers were no match for this particular disease for which there was no cure.

A few of the healers themselves succumbed to the pandemic. Indeed, after the remaining healers were hunted down, sometimes during their efforts to cure other patients and then murdered, there was only one left: Avry of Kazan.

Avry’s dramatic capture and imprisonment are brought about because of the fact that her healing powers are derived from her ability to assume the illness of her patient into her own body. For this reason she needs a few hours to recover her strength. Because of Avry’s dedication to her calling, she heals a child and makes herself vulnerable. Someone of the community observes the sudden recovery of the child and betrays Avry to the authorities.

Before Avry’s execution could take place she is rescued by Kerrick and his men. This group of men have only one mission: saving their king from the plague. King Ryne has inspired the dedication of Kerrick and his men because he is their hope to conquer the evil dictator Tohon and to free Ryne’s realm as well as the other kingdoms suffering under Tohon’s use of his magical ability to manipulate the emotions of his victims.

Will King Ryne be able to complete his plans in time?

In the series of ‘The healers collection’ are published:
  • Power of touch
  • Scent of magic
  • Taste of darkness
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Touch of power - The healer collection 1


Maria V. Snyder


Harper Collins Publishers






± € 12,00






English books

Target audience:

Young adults